Mike Just is getting an early Christmas present: his first chance with aMajor League organization. The Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks have sold the contractof Just to the Houston Astros organization, the Northern League club announced.
只是麥克提早收到了一份聖誕節大禮:他得到了第一次有了大聯盟球團給的機會.北方聯盟的Fargo-Moorhead紅鷹隊把他的 合約賣給了太空人球團.
Just, 24, was named the 2007 Northern League Rookie of the Year in his firstyear with the RedHawks. He was acquired from the River City (Mo.) Rascals ofthe Frontier League during spring training. Just batted a team-high .336 with24 doubles, four triples, four home runs, 55 RBIs and 56 runs scored in 94games. He posted a .420 on-base percentage and stole a team-high 20 bases.
Just,24歲,他在紅鷹隊的第一年拿下了北方聯盟的新人王.他是紅鷹隊在春訓的時候從邊境聯盟的River City流氓隊買過來的.94場比賽中全隊最高的打擊率.336,24支二壘打,4支三壘打和4支全壘打,55分打點,得56分. 他的上壘率高達.420並且有全隊最多的20次盜壘.
In addition to his offensive prowess, Just was also the leading defensivesecond baseman in the Northern League in 2007. In 91 games at second base, heposted a league-high .990 fielding percentage. Just committed only fiveerrors in 507 total chances while recording 305 assists.
除了很好的攻擊能力,Just也是07年聯盟中防守最好的二壘手. 91場二壘守備的比賽,守備率.990是聯盟最高. 在507次守備機會中只失誤5次,305次助殺.
Just began his professional career in 2006, signing with River City aftercompleting his college career at Liberty (Va.) University. He batted .317with 12 doubles, three triples, one home run, 18 RBIs and 26 runs scored in52 games.
Just在06年開始他的職業生涯,自由大學畢業之後簽進River City. 52場比賽中,打擊率.317,12支二壘打,3支三壘打,1支全壘打,18分打點得到26分.
"Mike has progressed up the ladder from the Frontier League to the NorthernLeague, and this is the next step for him," said RedHawks Manager Doug Simunic."He did a great job for us in 2007 and was a major part of our success. TheAstros are getting a good, hard-nosed ballplayer who can do a lot of positivethings on the field."
紅鷹隊的總教頭Doug Simunic說:他從邊境聯盟爬上北方聯盟,現在他又更進一步了.他07年表現的很棒,是我們貨得成功的主要因素. 太空人得到了一個優秀而且認真的球員,他在場上可以有很多的貢獻.