

星期五是投捕手春訓的報到日,不過有些人已經早了一兩天到了我們在Kissimmee的春訓基地暖身了. Valverde在團隊會議之後明確的跟Cooper表示他將不會代表多明尼加參加WBC,他要把重心放在球季上,不難理解他的決定,因為今年之後他就是FA了,他要為他的未來做好打算,他也在第一天就踏上了牛棚練了一下,Quintero表示Valverde的體態非常棒,看來他卻是有備而來要替他的荷包奮戰了 XD

He seemed so over his head at one point that Alyson Footer telephoned Phil Garner and said, ''You need to talk to Coop.'' He did things that lost the clubhouse, and there are players he may never get back in terms of respect.
he's in the last year of his contract and it's telling that the Astros didn't extend him. This is a stupid decision. Even if the Astros don't think he'll be managing in 2010, they should have signed him for 2010 to remove his job security as an issue.
他到底幹了什麼事,Oswalt事件? Chacon事件? 牛棚投手的不服? 還是Lee和Tejada的板凳? 他確實捅了些簍子,但是只有我們看到的那些嗎? 搞到讓隨隊記者向前任總教練求救,要他來開導疏通,這真的是非常糟糕的事? 至於未被續約的事先前就有提過了,我本來想用經濟因素要仔細控管不要有任何提前解約把錢丟水溝的可能性再發生來說服自己,現在又跑出這種消息..... 今年的陣容是非常的殘缺,我看Cooper要留住這個飯碗相當不容易了. Brad Ausmus for 2010 Manager? Who knows?
