



At Rice University, where Berkman won the National Player of the Year award in 1997, they still love to tell the "Blue Dart" story. As legend has it, longtime Owls coach Wayne Graham thought it would be a good idea if all his players ran a three-mile loop around Houston's Memorial Park in less than 21 minutes. He told them they'd have to keep trying until they succeeded.
在Rice大學棒球隊裡流傳著一個"藍色飛矛"的傳奇故事. 教練Wayne Graham希望他的隊員們可以在21分鐘以內跑完一圈休士頓紀念公園3 mile的路程,他要球隊員要不斷練習直到他們可以完成.
While his roommates spent the summer in training, Berkman ate pizza and played the role of resident sedentary guy. But he also hatched a survival plan: After making a token effort in the first three-mile run -- while his roommates passed the test -- Berkman would run far enough on his second attempt to disappear from view. Once he was shielded from the sight of the coaching staff, his buddies would swing by in a car, pick him up and drive him most of the way around the course.
當肥仔的室友們都再努力的為這個目標鍛鍊的時候,Big Puma在宿舍當宅男,邊吃著pizza一邊計畫他怎麼在測驗作弊. 理論上在他第一批室友通過測驗後,他要在補考作弊 XD 他跑的慢,當他消失再教練視線中的時候,他要他朋友開車載他 XDDD
When race day arrived, Berkman bounded out of his vehicle moments before the scheduled 7 a.m. start. He wore royal blue Rice shorts with matching T-shirt and headband, tennis shoes and no socks, and trash-talked about the whipping he was about to apply. He called himself the "Blue Dart."
測驗當天他穿了Rice傳統的藍短褲,綁了條頭巾,穿了雙網球鞋,卻沒穿襪子. 他不斷講一堆垃圾話,說他等等會多麼的飛快,他自稱"藍色飛矛"
Berkman busted out as if spring-loaded, with the expectation that he would croak in a hurry. Then he checked his watch and was astonished to see he'd covered the first mile in a blistering 5:40. He decided to keep pushing, and he continued to lead the pack.
一起跑肥仔就大聲呼喊的飛快衝出去,在他跑完1 mile時看了他的錶,吃驚的發現他只花了5:40,他決定繼續衝刺,並且跑在大家前面.
"At about the two-mile marker, a gorilla jumped on my back and the party was over, but I was so close to finishing, I decided to go ahead and try to make this thing," Berkman said. He managed to hang on and wheeze home among the leaders in slightly less than 19 minutes.
大概跑完2 mile,他覺得好像有隻猩猩跳到他背上,他快累死了,不過他決定繼續撐下去,因為快跑完了. 最後他要死不活的跟著領先集團在19分左右跑完了全程.
Graham initially accused him of cheating. But after Berkman dropped to his hands and knees and vomited in the grass, the coach relented. "The next day at practice, he was like, 'Did you see the heart that Lance showed?'" Berkman recalled. "He had no idea that I had planned on cheating."
Graham一開始覺得肥仔一定作弊,不過跑完肥仔馬上攤死在草皮上口吐白沫,教練才覺得這可能是真的. XD 隔天練習時,教練還要大家好好學習肥仔 XDD

