
Josh Flores out of season

"He was walking, coming out of a restaurant and kind of slipped on a curb, kind of slipped on his knee the wrong way and blew out his knee," Bennett said. "He didn't do it working out or anything along those lines. It was kind of one of those freak deals."
原來在Hunter Pence耍笨受傷之前,今年就已經有一個莫名其妙的受傷,跌了一跤就弄斷了兩條韌帶. 進行了韌帶修復手術,恢復期大概是8-10個月,Flores最大的價值就在他那雙腿,如果因這個傷而速度爆發力衰退的話,那基本上就全毀了.
